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Other Publications
Selected Creative Nonfiction


"Down on the Farm"  Where Meadows, Issue 1.2.


"Ringing the Bell"  in Medical Literary Messenger, Fall 2015.

“Do You Know Where Your Parents Are?  34th Parallel, Issue 94

Contributor’s Showcase: An Interview with Michelle M. Tokarczyk” Oyster River Pages, June 2021. 

“Culture Clash: A Working-Class Academic at a Liberal Arts College.In On the Borders of the Academy, Syracuse University: The Graduate School Press, 2018


Critical Approaches to American Working-Class Literature.  Routledge, 2011.

Class Definitions: On the Lives and Writings of Maxine Hong Kingston, Sandra Cisneros, and Dorothy Allison. Susquehanna University Press, 2008.

Teaching Composition/Teaching Literature:  Crossing Great Divides. (co-edited with Irene Papoulis), Peter Lang Publishing, Inc, March 2003

E. L. Doctorow’s Skeptical Commitment.  Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., March 2000.

E.L. Doctorow:  An Annotated Bibliography.  Garland Publishing Co., 1988.

Selected Articles

"Imagining Cross-Racial Affiliation in Gran Torino and Frozen River." minnesota review, Issue 90, 2018. Duke University Press


"Go Left, Young Women: Proletarian Women Writers.”  in A History of American Working-Class Literature. Cambridge University Press, 2017.

"E. L. Doctorow's Secular American Judaism." L'Chaim. January 2016. electronic. (Moscow. Trans into Russian).


Towards Imagined Solidarity in the Working-Class Epic:  Chris Llewellyn’s Fragments from the Fire and Diane Gilliam Fisher’s Kettle Bottom.” Women’s Studies 43:7 (2014): 865-91. 

Teaching Muriel Rukeyser’s The Book of the Dead in an Interdisciplinary Environmental Class.Notes on American Literature 23 (2014): 3-12.

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